Coroners Court
Coroners Court
Coroners & Inquests

Coroners & Inquests: Our specialist inquest solicitors have the expertise and experience necessary to make sure you, your family and other interested parties get the answers you need at this difficult time.

We also act for a number of specialist business sectors – dealing with directions and timetables regarding the supply of documentation, patient records, observation records and all other documentation pertaining to coroners & inquests.

The Coroner calls an inquest when someone has died in a violent or unnatural way. If it is suspected that the state caused, contributed to or failed to prevent the death of a person, the Coroner will call what is known as an Article 2 inquest. At an Article 2 inquest, the state will have legal representation. It’s very important to have legal experts on your side to make sure all the facts about your loved one’s death are investigated. We have extensive experience in advising and representing various parties at inquests.

Bond Adams can help the families of people who have died:
  • In police custody.
  • In prison.
  • After contact with the police.
  • While detained under the Mental Health Act.
  • While detained in a hospital or care setting.
We also act for various care and other facilities when dealing with coroners and inquests in the following circumstances:
  • Where the CQC or other regulator is seeking certain documents.
  • Where the regulator or local authority may consider suspending or modifying registration.
  • Where the regulator seeks to reduce or suspend the taking on of more patients.
  • Where there is a police investigation or criminal proceedings.
  • Where directors or senior officers are to be interviewed.

Coroner’s duty

A Coroner’s duty is to find out how, when and where the deceased came by his or her death. It is not about blame; that is dealt with by others such as the civil and criminal courts.

The Coroner has a duty to investigate and make recommendations if there is a finding that any death could have been prevented. It is important to ensure that no one else has to go through the agony of bereavement in these circumstances. Ensuring the coroner is able to discover the full facts behind a death can help prevent any similar deaths in the future.

If an inquest into the death of someone close to you is held, you will want to know whether you can ask the questions you have about your loved one’s death. Questions can be asked by a ‘properly interested person’ or their representative.

A ‘properly interested person’ can be a parent, spouse, child, civil partner or partner. In addition, they can also be any person whose action or failure may have contributed to the death. This could be government bodies such as the NHS, police force etc or one of the witnesses.

If anyone feels they have a right to be involved in the inquest for whatever reason, then they can apply to the coroner to request they are declared as a ‘properly interested person’. This will then give them the right to ask questions of any witness either themselves or through a representative.


  1. We are acting for a secure rehabilitation hospital at a Coroner’s inquest emanating from the death of a patient by way of strangulation by ligature. The scope of the inquest dealt with staff training, adequacy of observation levels, disclosure requirements, and reporting duties. Bond Adams also acted for the hospital in the civil claim resulting from the Coroner’s inquest which was brought by the patient’s family. Bond Adams managed to settle the civil claim without the need for the patient’s family to issue legal proceedings.
  2. Bond Adams is currently representing another secure rehabilitation hospital in a Coroner’s inquest resulting from a patient dying by way of a heroin overdose. This hospital is based in south London. The scope of this inquest relates to the patient’s access to drugs, the hospital’s drug screening policies, the patient’s section 17 leave and staff emergency response training.
  3. We are acting for a female secure rehabilitation hospital in an inquest resulting from the death of a patient by way of ligature. The patient who had been in long term care was recently admitted to the hospital. The scope of this inquest covers the level of observation, staff training on emergency response as well as on observation training. The family’s legal representatives have indicated that the family will be bringing a civil claim as a result of the death of the patient.
  4. Acting for a care facility receiving a notice of suspension by the CQC. Bond Adams lodged an appeal with the CQC and considered all matters. CQC then subsequently withdrew matters after our specialist lawyers made representations as to the ongoing facility.
  5. Acting for an individual in relation to a fatal accident involving a motorbike accident. We are considering the position regarding Human Rights issues, consideration of Coroner’s matters and dealing with the related civil claims.

For all your Coroners & Inquests queries, contact our Head of Litigation and Human Rights, Rafique Patel on 01162858080 or